Logo Collection

Pee App. Logo for mobile application which helps you find the nearest toilet.

Nova Dea. Logo for hair and beauty parlour.

Multikurs. Logo for e-learning online platform, which teaches foreign languages.

Katedra im. Tadeusza Mazowieckiego
Tadeusz Mazowiecki's Department at University of Warsaw.

Koalicja na rzecz równych szans
Logo for Coalition for Equal Opportunities and Rights.

200th anniversary of University of Warsaw
Logo for the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the University of Warsaw.

GoAp. Logo for mobile application with free time activities for children.

Narodowy Program Rozwoju Medycyny Transplantacyjnej
Logo for national program for the development of transplant medicine.

Cavani. Jewellery brand.

Międzynarodowy Festiwal Pieśni i Tańca w Koninie.
Logo for International Children's Song and Dance Festival in Konin.

Wytwórnia Czarna Polana. Logo for Żubrówka label.