IKEA Virtuål Reälity
for K2 Internet (May 2016)
Art direction • Idea • Graphic Design
How to show an important report
in not-so-boring form?
In 2016 IKEA together with Deloitte Advisory published a report about sustainable development to show how IKEA changed Poland over the years. It took exactly 100 pages, 25 000 signs, 376 infographics - a lot of data and a lot of conclusions. To present it to the wider audience and in a more interesting and innovative way we’ve created VR experience. It focused on the real influence on Polish economy and helped the viewers to see those changes in real life.
The video was first presented during Forum Ekonomiczne in Krynica, which attract more than 3500 guests, 600 journalists from 60 countries. Later, video gained more than 100 000 views on social media platforms
The video was first presented during Forum Ekonomiczne in Krynica, which attract more than 3500 guests, 600 journalists from 60 countries. Later, video gained more than 100 000 views on social media platforms
Copywriting: Jakub Sagan
Animation: Gabriela Żukowska
Art Direction: Bartosz Kwiecień
Account Manager: Dawid Kaźmierczak
Production: Grzegorz Pasternak
Icons' design: Bodo Kaniewski, Miłosz Zdunek
Awards: Innovation Award 2017